Enriching Ageing with Music and Movement + Exercise Ball

Active ageing can be defined in numerous ways – sustaining healthy bodies, active minds, and also leading fulfilling lives. Prof Linda Lin from the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has been researching on bone health since a decade ago, to discover ways to stimulate the bones and muscles through vibration for the senior generation. Ever since the initiation of the Drum Music Therapy, over hundreds of seniors would gather to drum and enjoy music collectively, where friendships are forged, and lives are enriched. Follow Prof Lin in her journey to transform active ageing for the better.  

*The above video performances and interviews were filmed at the World Ageing Festival 2024 organised by Ageing Asia.
Instructor Course Staff

Prof Linda Li-Chuan Lin


Institute of Physical Education, Health & Leisure Studies National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Prof Li-Chuan Lin is a Professor of Graduate Institute of Physical Education, Healthy and Leisure Studies, as well as Director of Center for Sports Science and Healthy Aging at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). She is also the Secretary General of Alliance for Healthy Cities, Taiwan and Director of the Alliance of AIOT Big Data Industry-academia Cooperation in Sports Science. Her research focuses on active aging, wellness and health, child development, muscle strength, physical performance, community health building.


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Enriching Ageing with Music and Movement + Exercise Ball

Prof Linda Lin from the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) is the innovator behind the initiation of the Drum Music Therapy. Seniors would gather to drum and enjoy music collectively, where friendships are forged, and lives are enriched. Follow her in this journey of transforming active ageing for the better.