Garden of Safety Game App

Co-developed by PAVE and SUSS UniLEARN, this app is designed to combine engaging narrative and interactive game design to educate and empower young children with skills and knowledge from the protective behaviours programme. Children can learn and understand more about essential body safety rules by playing independently using solo mode or use guided mode where protective adults, carers or educators could play alongside them and help facilitate important discussions on the topics covered.

The aims of the game include:
  1. Empowering children to identify private parts and assert ownership of their bodies;
  2. Equipping them with the skills and confidence to assertively say “no” and remove themselves from uncomfortable or unsafe situations;
  3. Helping them identify trustworthy adults whom they can approach for help.
Download the game from these play stores (current access in SG only).

App store Google playstore

Click here to enrol in the online course “Teaching Protective Behaviours to Young Children”

Pave logo
Integrated service for family violence, child protection and sexual abuse
PAVE provides services for persons who abuse, survivors and vulnerable family members such as children and the elderly, in dealing with interpersonal violence.

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Garden of Safety Game App

The Garden of Safety game app is designed to educate and empower young children, with support from parents/caregivers and childcare educators, on body safety and protective behaviour knowledge.

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